About Us
Our Mission
The mission of the the Central Oregon Dental Society is to create a forum for continuing dental education, disseminate information that effects dentists and dental specialists in the Central Oregon area and to foster an environment of collaboration amongst members that protects and strengthens the dental profession as well as the patients it serves. |
Contact Us
Contact us for questions or concerns regarding the Central Oregon Dental Society or our Schedule of Events.
General Email: codentalsociety@gmail.com
2016-2017 Officers
Nathan Lenox, MD, DMD
Work Phone: 541-617-3993 Personal Email: lenox.n@gmail.com |
Vice President
Jared Adams, DDS |
Erica Crosta, DMD |
Continuing Education Coordinator
Jessica Henderson, DMD
1016 NW Newport Ave. Bend, OR 97703 (541) 447-3855 |
President Elect of the ODA
Greggery Jones, DMD
774 SW Rimrock Way Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 923-7633 |
Brad Hester, DMD
660 NE 3rd Ste 3 Bend, OR 97701 (541) 389-1881 |